Striving for a cure. Empowering families. Please support!

Donations to the MCT8-AHDS Foundation are invested into areas identified by parents and caregivers as being the most crucial.

These include:

  1. Directly supporting families via an annual Grants Program to assist with purchasing urgently needed equipment (e.g. walkers, hoists, bathchairs) and therapies (e.g. physio, occupational therapy and hippotherapy) as well as offering an Emergency Grants for hospitalizations and, sadly, funerals. Our Grants Program gifts upwards of $7,000 per year.
  2. Raising public awareness of this ultra-rare condition via activities such as our World MCT8-AHDS Day on 8th October. This condition is not known and, with increased awareness, diagnosis and support for families can increase; and
  3. Acting as a point of reference and connection for families via our various communication platforms and groups such as our website, private Facebook group where parents can share their struggles and triumphs… and much more.


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